The DirectSense II-8 probe offers a PID, %RH, °C/°F,  CO2) and electrochemical specific gas sensors for VOCs, CO, formaldehyde, and ozone.
  • Measures TVOC, Carbon monoxide, relative humidity, temperature, ozone, and carbon dioxide
  • Works in conjunction with GrayWolf PC-3500 Particle Concentration/Counter (tool # 01325)

Features and Benefits:

  • High performance, fast response instrumentation for consistent use over portable, long-term and continuous IAQ testing applications.
  • Occupant wellness is rapidly gaining awareness as a win-win for occupant health and productivity, and for building owners’ bottom line.
  • COVID-19 has enhanced the need for measurement of ventilation rates, airflow, pollutant pathways and validation of fixed sensors for specific IAQ parameter monitoring in schools, hospitals, public buildings, workplaces, and other indoor facilities of all types.
  • GrayWolf IAQ meters, monitors and instruments optimize the balance between facility energy efficiency and occupant health, comfort and productivity.
  • Identify potential IAQ issues before they become problems and respond immediately to complaints with the highly accurate and most intuitive portable IAQ meters, monitors and testing devices available today.

Download logged data direct to GrayWolf’s advanced data management and reporting software, WolfSense PC.